Writer's Note

Netanyahu's Speech to Congress, Purim 2015

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress on the eve of Purim this year, the day the Jews remember Esther. In America, the talking heads in the mainstream media were saying, ‘Netanyahu is only coming to America to bolster his popularity for the elections that are happening in Israel in two months.’ What they failed to realize is that we are living in Biblical times. Israel's leader picked the week of Purim on purpose. His timing was intentional, yes, but it had nothing to do with the elections. 

To understand the weight of his speech, knowing the story of Esther is really quite critical. Esther was a queen in Persia, and the king at the time was being misled by a Persian named Haman. Haman was going to kill all the Jews, and the king was going to allow it to happen.

Mordecai went to Esther and told her to speak to the king, even though those who approached the king without being summoned could be killed. Mordecai told Esther that she was born for a time such as this, and added that there would be deliverance for the Jews but she may not survive if she allowed the slaughter to occur.

This is the key to Netanyahu's speech, because it underscores everything. In his speech, he directly references the story of Esther, saying that Jews today face the same threat from “yet another Persian potentate,” Iran.

We ought not miss the poetry of this event. Netanyahu is Esther! And America is the king. Just as the king was misled by Haman the Persian, so too America is being misled by Iran (Persia). The king allowed Esther to speak in his inner court, just as America allowed Netanyahu to speak in its inner court (the Capitol). Netanyahu says, “I am deeply humbled to speak before the most important legislative body in the world, the US Congress.” He is saying––America, you are the king. You are the most important body in the world. If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life––this is my petition. And spare my people––this is my request. (Esther 7:3). Essentially this is Netanyahu’s message. It is he who was born for a time such as this. And his speech to Congress echoes Esther’s plea to her partner, the king, 2500 years ago.