Writer's Note

One Enormous Prophetic Week

On the prophetic calendar, a year is 360 days long. This is easy to remember because a year is one circle around the sun, and there are 360o in a circle.

Since 1 prophetic year equals 360 days, 7 prophetic years (one week of years) would therefore consist of 2520 days. 

In 573 BC, Ezekiel has a mind blowing vision where he sees the Messianic Temple. The vision is so grand that it fills the pages of eight chapters in his book (chapters 40-48). In these chapters, he describes the Temple from which the Messiah will reign as King of Israel. To date, this Temple has not yet been built, and it is often referred to as the coming Third Temple. Solomons Temple was the first; Ezra and Nehemiah’s Temple was the second (King Herod added onto it); Ezekiel’s vision in 573 BC describes the third Temple still to come.

In 1948 AD, Israel is reestablished as a sovereign nation. 1948 sees the first step taken toward the dawning of the Messianic Era and the coming of the Messianic Temple. What’s neat about this is that 573 BC and 1948 AD are separated by 2520 years! Counting each year like a day, the passing of one enormous prophetic week separates the first vision from the first realization.

But it gets even more interesting. 
As 2520 represents one week, 1260 represents half a week.

In Daniel 9:27, we find that an abomination is set up “in the middle of one seven.”

In the context of this enormous prophetic week that spans so much world history, what comes exactly in the middle of this seven? Well, 1260 years forward from 573 BC is the year 688 AD. 1260 years backward from 1948 AD is the year 688 AD. 688 AD is in the middle of one seven.

Construction for the Dome of the Rock starts in 688 AD!